Trout Unlimited is America’s largest coldwater conservation organization.

It’s mission is to conserve, protect and restore trout streams — and advocate for native and wild trout.

PA has more Trout Unlimited chapters than any other state and over 16,000 members. TU members volunteer their time for stream remediation projects, mentoring youth on fly fishing and fly tying, and assisting disabled military veterans in learning a soul-healing sport. 

The five TU chapters involved in the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail project are Chestnut Ridge, Forbes Trail, Ken Sink, Mountain Laurel and Penn’s Woods West. Visit for more information about the location of chapters and their contact information.

Opening day for trout in approved stocked waters is the first Saturday in April. The Saturday before is mentored youth day. Note that several streams in this brochure are under special regulation, open to fishing year-round. Special regulation streams may also present differing rules about when fish can be kept, creel and size limits, and what tackle may be used.

Visit for complete fishing regulations.

To fish for trout in approved trout waters or special regulation streams, anglers must have both a PA fishing license and trout permit. Both can be purchased online or OTC from area merchants.